Capillary Blood Test Order of Draw

Asked by: Marco Spasova
asked in category: General Last Updated: 23rd February, 2020

Why is the order of draw different for a capillary puncture from a venipuncture collection?

The order of draw for a capillary blood collection is slightly different than the order of draw for a venous blood collection. If capillary blood gases are ordered, they are drawn first to avoid introduction of room air as much as possible.

CLSI established the order of draw for capillary specimens to be as follows: First — EDTA tubes; Second — other additive tubes; Third — non-additive tubes.

Likewise, why would a capillary puncture be performed? Capillary blood sampling is becoming a common way to minimize the amount of blood drawn from a patient. The 10 or 20 microliters can be used to look for anemia, check blood sugar or even to evaluate thyroid function. The procedure is easier and less painful than traditional venipuncture which draws blood from a vein.

Considering this, when collecting capillary puncture samples Why are hematology samples collected first?

7.1. With skin punctures, the haematology specimen is collected first, followed by the chemistry and blood bank specimens. This order of drawing is essential to minimize the effects of platelet clumping. The order used for skin punctures is the reverse of that used for venepuncture collection.

When performing a capillary puncture what areas should be avoided?

The posterior heel and toe should be avoided as puncture sites because the distance between the skin surface and the bone in each case is only 2.33 or 2.19 mm, respectively, which means greater risk of bone damage (3, 13).

36 Related Question Answers Found

What is the order of draw?

Order of draw is the tube sequence a certified phlebotomist needs to follow while collecting blood. Each tube is differentiated by the tube additive and color. A trained phlebotomist using the correct order of draw ensures they obtain a quality sample to be used for diagnostic purposes to provide accurate results.

Why is order of draw important?

The order of draw is recommended for both glass and plastic venous collections tubes when drawing multiple specimens for medical laboratory testing during a single venipuncture. The purpose is to avoid possible test result error due to additive carryover. All additive tubes should be filled to their stated volumes.

What is the order of draw when using a syringe?

The draw order for specimen tubes is as follows: Gold SST (Plain tube w/gel and clot activator additive) Green and Dark Green (Heparin, with and without gel) Lavender (EDTA) Pink - Blood Bank (EDTA)

How many times should you invert a micro collection tube for mixing?

Light green-top tube (lithium heparin) This tube contains lithium heparin and gel separator used for the collection of heparinized plasma for routine chemistry tests. NOTE: After the tube has been filled with blood, immediately invert the tube 8-10 times to mix and ensure adequate anticoagulation of the specimen.

How do you take capillary blood samples?

Capillary sample The area is cleansed with antiseptic. The skin of the finger, heel or another area is pricked with a sharp needle or a lancet. The blood may be collected in a pipette (small glass tube), on a slide, onto a test strip, or into a small container.

Does squeezing your finger affect blood sugar?

They do that by making a small prick on a fingertip, then placing a drop of blood on a test strip that is read by a glucose monitor. (In general, guidelines advise against squeezing the finger too hard to get a blood drop because it may distort blood sugar readings.)

Why can't you use the same lancet twice?

The lancet device offers the possibility of adjusting the depth of skin penetration. Never use the same lancet twice. Reusing lancets has many disadvantages, such as increasing the risk of pain and infection.

Capillary Blood Test Order of Draw


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